Oh man! I finally realised that when people say "deadline", they really mean it. Cause if what is to be done by then is NOT, then.... there will literally a dead man then! Holy crap! only less then 2 wks to my deadline for the conference paper, and I am still running simulations which refuses to work! @$@#%$!@~ I am now working from 8am till 10pm everyday, and I still think its not enough to rush for the paper. So I have made the painful decision to cut down kendo training to only sundays for the next 2-3 wks till my paper is completed. Sigh. I SOooo badly wanna improve my kendo, but work is suppose to have priority. Sigh, really feeling low, down and out these few days. Maybe its the stress, maybe its just been swept under the carpet for tooo long. but a lot to think about these days. maybe this is the quarter life crisis coming. HAhaha.... altho i seem to have had it for since 4-6 years already.. what a long long quarter life i have man.. haha..
Ah bah, anyway, back to work for me.........
Oh, here is a picture of the HUGE cloud I saw on 20th Jan 2004. It was really magnificant. Just like the mothership in the movie Independence Day. Unlike other clouds, it was very compact and defined. And with there being very few clouds around it, it really looks like a solid object. I could only catch a small bit of it as it spread so wide across the morning sky, that its almost impossible to catch everything in one shot. And the crowded Singapore horizon doesnt help very much either....:/