I am so sad to realise, that i only found out about tsunami on Tuesday (3 days later then the rest of the world). Its like I've lost contact with the world. Its like a timeless world i live in. No signs of day, or night. The four walls in my lab is all i see everyday. And of course the ever radiating beauty of my monitor that is going to make me blind one of these days. Not really the fault of the monitor, i always end up just 2 inches away from the screen when i'm trying to figure out WHAT THE HELL MY RESULTS MEAN!!!
*Bangs head on monitor*
Zaap!!!!! AeeeEHGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Fizzzzz........*electricuted and fried to a crisp*
Ok, enough of the drama.
Today there is also a special training as nuskk was invited to clementi dojo to train!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And i didnt knowWWWWW!!!!! T_T
But I have Vowed to not go training till I complete my masters as a way to motivate myself to complete the thesis ASAP. But..........Hands itching like mad. I wonder how long I can stick to this "vow".
Oh man!!!! SOOOO FREAKING Frustrated with my results!!!!! Its like 30-50 over curves cutting across the screen, and I have to sort them out and figure out if there IS a pattern from all this, and just pick 5!
going to develop crosseye soooooon.
Lets observe a moment of silence for those many lives lost in the region.
God Bless.
Alpha Oscar, Over and out.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Midnight Jogger
At the strike of midnight, I put on my jogging shoes, and set off on a painful journey to relief stress.
I realised I needed exercise during dinner today. I wanted to ran to the canteen to meet my friend for dinner. Within 20 paces, my knees started to ache!!! OMG!!! I feel like 54!!! That does it, i MUST start doing some exercise!!!
Its been almost 3 months since i last exercised. I think all the joints in my body is oxidizing (more cheem word for rusting). And i am feeling REALLY unfit! As my faithful friend has put it, bellyring is forming. Sooon, it might engulf my entire body and i will turn into a blob... I might not even be able to fit into my bougu!!! Nah... ok.. i am exaggerating.
But the feeling is good. Before the jog, I was feeling grumpy, moddy, cranky, and many other names of the famous seven dwarfs. Now, I feel like a million bucks! Recharged and aching all over. Hahaha.. but i like this feeling, makes you feel alive doesnt it? The after-exercise-aching-all-over-feel-alive feeling. YEsh! thats the one! I feel so good, i think i will do situps till dawn!
u gotto be out of ur mind!!!!
KOOoooooooN!!!!! ZZzzzzz....... -_-Zzzzzz
I realised I needed exercise during dinner today. I wanted to ran to the canteen to meet my friend for dinner. Within 20 paces, my knees started to ache!!! OMG!!! I feel like 54!!! That does it, i MUST start doing some exercise!!!
Its been almost 3 months since i last exercised. I think all the joints in my body is oxidizing (more cheem word for rusting). And i am feeling REALLY unfit! As my faithful friend has put it, bellyring is forming. Sooon, it might engulf my entire body and i will turn into a blob... I might not even be able to fit into my bougu!!! Nah... ok.. i am exaggerating.
But the feeling is good. Before the jog, I was feeling grumpy, moddy, cranky, and many other names of the famous seven dwarfs. Now, I feel like a million bucks! Recharged and aching all over. Hahaha.. but i like this feeling, makes you feel alive doesnt it? The after-exercise-aching-all-over-feel-alive feeling. YEsh! thats the one! I feel so good, i think i will do situps till dawn!
u gotto be out of ur mind!!!!
KOOoooooooN!!!!! ZZzzzzz....... -_-Zzzzzz
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Monday, December 27, 2004
Post Christmas Syndrome
Dont feel like working!!!!!! >_<
Arrg.... and also, maybe due to the whole CARTON of coke that i manage to consume over the short span of 2-3 days of christmas celebration. Burb!!! -_-
Ooooooowwww...... dont feel too well.
Have been sleeping about 4-5 am for the pass few days too. Got hooked onto my PS2 over the holidays... damn!! not exactly what i need now. Exploring Onimusha1 and Tenchu2 concurrently. Sigh... not good not good.
Also, just got up to date (episode 10) with Gundam Seed Destiny. Oh man!!! dont know how to explain, but always feel motivated to work hard after watching it. I get motivated easily. Guess thats a good thing. But watching gundam always reminds me how tiny my day to day problems are, as compared with people who face poverty, hungry, war and those consumed by anger and hatrate. We too often become obsessed with how HUGE our own problems are htat we forgot how small they actually are once we compare ourselves with the less fortunate. I am also not saying that we should be contented with life, and do nothing. Besides, progress comes only when we are not satisfied with what we have. But then again, we must also be aware of those less fortunate... dont you think?
Dont feel like working!!!!!! >_<
Arrg.... and also, maybe due to the whole CARTON of coke that i manage to consume over the short span of 2-3 days of christmas celebration. Burb!!! -_-
Ooooooowwww...... dont feel too well.
Have been sleeping about 4-5 am for the pass few days too. Got hooked onto my PS2 over the holidays... damn!! not exactly what i need now. Exploring Onimusha1 and Tenchu2 concurrently. Sigh... not good not good.
Also, just got up to date (episode 10) with Gundam Seed Destiny. Oh man!!! dont know how to explain, but always feel motivated to work hard after watching it. I get motivated easily. Guess thats a good thing. But watching gundam always reminds me how tiny my day to day problems are, as compared with people who face poverty, hungry, war and those consumed by anger and hatrate. We too often become obsessed with how HUGE our own problems are htat we forgot how small they actually are once we compare ourselves with the less fortunate. I am also not saying that we should be contented with life, and do nothing. Besides, progress comes only when we are not satisfied with what we have. But then again, we must also be aware of those less fortunate... dont you think?
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Family Christmas
Once again, the yearly christmas amily gathering at my mom's side has come. Gathering of cousins and uncles and aunties, granddad and grandma. Playing of Piano together with Singing of christmas songs in Chinese. Us AngMo-nised cousins trying to decifer how to read the chinese printout lyrics..(every year). Mummbling of the songs and humming loudly to cover up our inadequacies in our mother tongue. Cheering and jeering at each other. Collect presents (always chocolate) from our granddad. This year, we go according to height instead of age to decide who goes first. Poking fun at our younger cousins.
It doesnt sound like much, but its just fun to catch up with all my cousins again. What do we really need in life? Money? Achievements? Fame? Fortune? Recognition? Maybe some, maybe a little of all.
Christmas is a season to be with your love ones, your close ones. Its not all about shopping and spending. Sometimes, we all lose sight of this. Its about forgiving and forgetting, loving and caring. We are all too busy all year round to forgive, forget, love, care, share. Its the time of the year to remind ourselves of that. But then, thats what I think. What would i know, I'm just me. Merry Christmas :)
Once again, the yearly christmas amily gathering at my mom's side has come. Gathering of cousins and uncles and aunties, granddad and grandma. Playing of Piano together with Singing of christmas songs in Chinese. Us AngMo-nised cousins trying to decifer how to read the chinese printout lyrics..(every year). Mummbling of the songs and humming loudly to cover up our inadequacies in our mother tongue. Cheering and jeering at each other. Collect presents (always chocolate) from our granddad. This year, we go according to height instead of age to decide who goes first. Poking fun at our younger cousins.
It doesnt sound like much, but its just fun to catch up with all my cousins again. What do we really need in life? Money? Achievements? Fame? Fortune? Recognition? Maybe some, maybe a little of all.
Christmas is a season to be with your love ones, your close ones. Its not all about shopping and spending. Sometimes, we all lose sight of this. Its about forgiving and forgetting, loving and caring. We are all too busy all year round to forgive, forget, love, care, share. Its the time of the year to remind ourselves of that. But then, thats what I think. What would i know, I'm just me. Merry Christmas :)
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas EVERYBODY!!!! :)
Hahah... although i've not been in much christmas mood this year, but its really nice to be christmas day! Although i am now in lab doing my thesis while everyone else is either nuaring at home or out there having fun, recovering from being badly pissed drunk from yesterday's parties, but its ok! i can take it! ITS CHRISTMAS!!!
Had a GREAT Christmas party last night at my place. A bunch of Undergrad days friends came over and used my place for the party. They organised it. I just hung around and eat and drink! haha BEST! But it was really great. Although there werent much games or excitement, but we sat around and chat all night. Its been a long long time since we did that, as a whole gang:) But I guess everyone's getting old. All of them left to return to their beds within an hour pass midnight. But I did manage to find my own source of enjoyment after that.
Turned off all the lights, light up some candles to dimly light up the living room, and turn on jazzy oldies christmas songs like the Christmas Song ("Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." version ) and Christmas Waltz. Fantastic Atmosphere. Sigh.. dont understand why some people dont like christmas songs. THATS THE ONLY TIME TO LISTEN TO CHRISTMAS SONGS!!! If you dont listen to christmas songs during christmas... then WHEN DO you listen to them? :) Anyway, I love them :) Had a wonderful time replying smses and just lazing on the sofa gazing into the flickering flame. :) It is a Merry little Christmas :)
Merry Christmas !!!
Merry Christmas EVERYBODY!!!! :)
Hahah... although i've not been in much christmas mood this year, but its really nice to be christmas day! Although i am now in lab doing my thesis while everyone else is either nuaring at home or out there having fun, recovering from being badly pissed drunk from yesterday's parties, but its ok! i can take it! ITS CHRISTMAS!!!
Had a GREAT Christmas party last night at my place. A bunch of Undergrad days friends came over and used my place for the party. They organised it. I just hung around and eat and drink! haha BEST! But it was really great. Although there werent much games or excitement, but we sat around and chat all night. Its been a long long time since we did that, as a whole gang:) But I guess everyone's getting old. All of them left to return to their beds within an hour pass midnight. But I did manage to find my own source of enjoyment after that.
Turned off all the lights, light up some candles to dimly light up the living room, and turn on jazzy oldies christmas songs like the Christmas Song ("Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." version ) and Christmas Waltz. Fantastic Atmosphere. Sigh.. dont understand why some people dont like christmas songs. THATS THE ONLY TIME TO LISTEN TO CHRISTMAS SONGS!!! If you dont listen to christmas songs during christmas... then WHEN DO you listen to them? :) Anyway, I love them :) Had a wonderful time replying smses and just lazing on the sofa gazing into the flickering flame. :) It is a Merry little Christmas :)
Merry Christmas !!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Was up till 4am choosing photos to develop for the 24 coupons of free 8R. Free with every roll of film development. Had to narrow down from a hefty 69 pics to 24... sigh.. late nights are killing me. Still spent time labling the negatives to make sure that the developing place dont mess it up. Hahah... Vol 3 of the essence of my backpacking photo diary, Coming right up!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

I was lying on some protruding rocks under the cliff of the observation point along the southern rim of grand canyon. Everyone else was busy trying to sqeeze into a spot along the cliff, that they didnt notice this great spot. So I just relaxed my aching back along the walls, legs out stretched. Waiting till the sun set way beyond the horizon. Till the sky turned from red, to orange, to dark navy blue. Till the area was totally dark and I ALMOST couldnt find my way back to the lodge. -_-"

Monday, December 20, 2004
Working Home
Was aching from head to toe and back up this morning. So I've decided to stay home to do work instead of traveling alll the way to school. Anyway i was kinda sick of the lab after months , literally months in terms of hours spent, in there. SO! i tried working from home to see if efficiency will go up.
I woke up at 1pm....
Cleared a bit of my room, and my laptop (only 100MB left from 12GB of space) and.... thats all for efficiency...-_-
Sigh.. tried to do a bit.. but only manage to cough out about 3 paragraph for my chapter for literature review. Its so hard to dig up literature review of something that not much have been done on. But i just cant leave it blank. And not sure what i am going to discuss about during my results and discussion chapter, hmm... maybe I should just leave it and come back after i am done with the discussion. So i'd know whats more relevent to write.
Its nice to laze on the sofa and watch tv with ur jaw left agar... mind a blank... (part of kendo training to reach the NO MIND stage... really!) just finish watching an episode of Las Vegas. Cool show. Cool cars, lots of cash and sexy babes. I mean.. erm.. it was educational.. U learn how to catch cheats in casinos and look good in suits and how everybody in las vegas are supermodels and the most important lesson of all, DONT SLEEP WITH YOUR BOSS'S DAUGHTER. No matter how sexy and incredibly gorgeous they are. Hmm..... important lesson.
But whats this with the obsession of fathers with their daughters. Fathers are always going nuts and tries to kill the bf of their daughters. At least in shows they do. Haha.. but maybe I'll turn out to be one of them in the future. Well, no need to worry about that. Still along long time away, if at all possible.
Arrggg!!!! its midnight!!!! >_<
End of experiment of staying home to do work. Doesnt work for me. Back to jail, i mean lab for me tomorrow. Need to make a come back fast! only 2 wks till end of dec and i've still got so much to do. Guess going back to office on christmas day is turning into an inevitable fact soon...-_-
So near.. yet so far...
!!!!!!!! havent bought my 2 gift exchange presents yet!! oh my gosh!!! >_<" gets cold sweat thinking of the brutal crowd i have to bash through to get the presents.. not to mention the emptiness of my already reduced wallet.
Guess its gonna be a blue christmas for me this yr...-_-
Was aching from head to toe and back up this morning. So I've decided to stay home to do work instead of traveling alll the way to school. Anyway i was kinda sick of the lab after months , literally months in terms of hours spent, in there. SO! i tried working from home to see if efficiency will go up.
I woke up at 1pm....
Cleared a bit of my room, and my laptop (only 100MB left from 12GB of space) and.... thats all for efficiency...-_-
Sigh.. tried to do a bit.. but only manage to cough out about 3 paragraph for my chapter for literature review. Its so hard to dig up literature review of something that not much have been done on. But i just cant leave it blank. And not sure what i am going to discuss about during my results and discussion chapter, hmm... maybe I should just leave it and come back after i am done with the discussion. So i'd know whats more relevent to write.
Its nice to laze on the sofa and watch tv with ur jaw left agar... mind a blank... (part of kendo training to reach the NO MIND stage... really!) just finish watching an episode of Las Vegas. Cool show. Cool cars, lots of cash and sexy babes. I mean.. erm.. it was educational.. U learn how to catch cheats in casinos and look good in suits and how everybody in las vegas are supermodels and the most important lesson of all, DONT SLEEP WITH YOUR BOSS'S DAUGHTER. No matter how sexy and incredibly gorgeous they are. Hmm..... important lesson.
But whats this with the obsession of fathers with their daughters. Fathers are always going nuts and tries to kill the bf of their daughters. At least in shows they do. Haha.. but maybe I'll turn out to be one of them in the future. Well, no need to worry about that. Still along long time away, if at all possible.
Arrggg!!!! its midnight!!!! >_<
End of experiment of staying home to do work. Doesnt work for me. Back to jail, i mean lab for me tomorrow. Need to make a come back fast! only 2 wks till end of dec and i've still got so much to do. Guess going back to office on christmas day is turning into an inevitable fact soon...-_-
So near.. yet so far...
!!!!!!!! havent bought my 2 gift exchange presents yet!! oh my gosh!!! >_<" gets cold sweat thinking of the brutal crowd i have to bash through to get the presents.. not to mention the emptiness of my already reduced wallet.
Guess its gonna be a blue christmas for me this yr...-_-
Tired!!! Physically!
Oh man! soo freakin tired today!!!!
Saturday morning I went for my first jog in 4 months....or was it 5.. ahhaa.. jogged REALLL slow in case all my brittle bones shatter... 20 minutes for about 2-3 km max. Dont wanna strain my back before the tournament sunday morning. hahaa... not funny.
Forced a few sets of sit ups and chin ups.. and i feel GOOD. ahhaa....till today....-_-
Today's tournament was relatively good. I won my first match with a lucky men when my opponent and I canclled each other's kote, then i followed with a men when he didnt expect it. Caught him when he let his guard down. But got creamed by my next opponenet who happened to emerge the champion. Hahaha.. champion le!!! *consuling myself* hahaha... Aww.... split my head and chopped off my hand within 20 seconds? somewhere there la. ahhaa... but i am happy. I didnt die too horribly. ahaha.
But now my whole body is aching... ehh.h........ OOooowww... my aching back....
I AM NOT OLD!!!!!!
just older.....
Oh man! soo freakin tired today!!!!
Saturday morning I went for my first jog in 4 months....or was it 5.. ahhaa.. jogged REALLL slow in case all my brittle bones shatter... 20 minutes for about 2-3 km max. Dont wanna strain my back before the tournament sunday morning. hahaa... not funny.
Forced a few sets of sit ups and chin ups.. and i feel GOOD. ahhaa....till today....-_-
Today's tournament was relatively good. I won my first match with a lucky men when my opponent and I canclled each other's kote, then i followed with a men when he didnt expect it. Caught him when he let his guard down. But got creamed by my next opponenet who happened to emerge the champion. Hahaha.. champion le!!! *consuling myself* hahaha... Aww.... split my head and chopped off my hand within 20 seconds? somewhere there la. ahhaa... but i am happy. I didnt die too horribly. ahaha.
But now my whole body is aching... ehh.h........ OOooowww... my aching back....
I AM NOT OLD!!!!!!
just older.....
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Friday, December 17, 2004
I can see PHOTOS!!!
Finally, I have subscribed to *HELLO* which allows me to put photos on my blog. Thats one of the reasons why I left blogspot, and also why I came back. But one bad thing is I cant seem to put the photos within an entry... hmm.. how inconvenient.
YesH! today is FRIDAY!!!!! I am sure many of you guys out there are happy as can be. BUT IT DOESNT MAKE A DAMN DIFFERECE TO ME!!!!!!
Cos I will still be working through the weekend ANYWAY. And with only left 2 weeks before my targetted deadline... literally DEAD LINE!!!
Well, not alls that bad... I have decided to have a can of coke later. Highlight of my day. "whoopee"! *waves pom pom enthusiastically...NOT!*
But I AM going town later, for dinner....
Orchard AIRRRR!!!!!!
Finally, I have subscribed to *HELLO* which allows me to put photos on my blog. Thats one of the reasons why I left blogspot, and also why I came back. But one bad thing is I cant seem to put the photos within an entry... hmm.. how inconvenient.
YesH! today is FRIDAY!!!!! I am sure many of you guys out there are happy as can be. BUT IT DOESNT MAKE A DAMN DIFFERECE TO ME!!!!!!
Cos I will still be working through the weekend ANYWAY. And with only left 2 weeks before my targetted deadline... literally DEAD LINE!!!
Well, not alls that bad... I have decided to have a can of coke later. Highlight of my day. "whoopee"! *waves pom pom enthusiastically...NOT!*
But I AM going town later, for dinner....
Orchard AIRRRR!!!!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Of all the I.d.i.o.t.i.c. things I've done!!!!
Of all the I.D.I.O.T.I.C. things I have done.. this is one of the best liao!
I booked the SEM (an electron microscope/expensive/high demand, thus, at most can get a chance to use it once a week) for wednesday morning.... but i kept thinking its TODAY!!!! >_< #%&$^#%$%$@!#$!@#%$&%@##
OH MY #%$!^&@^%$!@#!^%&%$%$
All i can do now is to make another booking next THURSDAY!!!! and hopefully on friday morning (christmas eve), everyone will be too slack to come to school, I will use it as well. SEM images of my specimens are one of the 3 main things i need to complete before i can complete my experiments and wrap up my thesis. And expecially when its an equipment in high demand, its so hard to get a chance to use it.
I think stress is overflowing through my ears already....
Of all the I.D.I.O.T.I.C. things I have done.. this is one of the best liao!
I booked the SEM (an electron microscope/expensive/high demand, thus, at most can get a chance to use it once a week) for wednesday morning.... but i kept thinking its TODAY!!!! >_< #%&$^#%$%$@!#$!@#%$&%@##
OH MY #%$!^&@^%$!@#!^%&%$%$
All i can do now is to make another booking next THURSDAY!!!! and hopefully on friday morning (christmas eve), everyone will be too slack to come to school, I will use it as well. SEM images of my specimens are one of the 3 main things i need to complete before i can complete my experiments and wrap up my thesis. And expecially when its an equipment in high demand, its so hard to get a chance to use it.
I think stress is overflowing through my ears already....
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Burning out?!
Crap! everything feels like crap! Feeling so crappy. Dont know why. Feel so inefficient when i do work. No mood for doing anything but to lazy around, watch anime or watch kendo videos... and of course.. sleep...
Is it stress? Laziness? or just absolutely sick sick SICK of what i am doing, and totally burnt out liao?!
Zen zen wakaranai!
Crap! everything feels like crap! Feeling so crappy. Dont know why. Feel so inefficient when i do work. No mood for doing anything but to lazy around, watch anime or watch kendo videos... and of course.. sleep...
Is it stress? Laziness? or just absolutely sick sick SICK of what i am doing, and totally burnt out liao?!
Zen zen wakaranai!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Let me tell you guys a story... once upon a time.....
Alvin went to clementi town for dinner. He has his thesis to complete, but thought it would be good to take a break and go somewhere different for dinner for a change.
On his way home, hr waited for bus 96 to come so that he could quickly get back and continue his work.......so he waited for bus 96, and he waited and waited and waited. And he waited for almost 40minutes.. 96 dont come!!!!!!
Finally, with a helpless sigh, he gave up hope of waiting for 96 and thought maybe the service ended early today for some special reason without him knowing.. so he walked the long road back...but as he was almost reaching the highway, 96 buses started to zoom by.... one by one..-_-
When he was finally one street across his office... FOUR... FOUR!!!!! 96 was queueing in a row... as if parading in front of him..... he could have swore their exhaust fume smell, no, no, REEK of mockary...-_-
WHY!!!!! WHY ME!!!!!
BURN SBS!!!! BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When he got back to his lab.. it was empty... pitch dark... evryone has went..
only his lonely computer left on flashing the screen saver....... with only 10 minutes before the last bus home... what is he to do.....-_-
This is NOT my day....
Let me tell you guys a story... once upon a time.....
Alvin went to clementi town for dinner. He has his thesis to complete, but thought it would be good to take a break and go somewhere different for dinner for a change.
On his way home, hr waited for bus 96 to come so that he could quickly get back and continue his work.......so he waited for bus 96, and he waited and waited and waited. And he waited for almost 40minutes.. 96 dont come!!!!!!
Finally, with a helpless sigh, he gave up hope of waiting for 96 and thought maybe the service ended early today for some special reason without him knowing.. so he walked the long road back...but as he was almost reaching the highway, 96 buses started to zoom by.... one by one..-_-
When he was finally one street across his office... FOUR... FOUR!!!!! 96 was queueing in a row... as if parading in front of him..... he could have swore their exhaust fume smell, no, no, REEK of mockary...-_-
WHY!!!!! WHY ME!!!!!
BURN SBS!!!! BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When he got back to his lab.. it was empty... pitch dark... evryone has went..
only his lonely computer left on flashing the screen saver....... with only 10 minutes before the last bus home... what is he to do.....-_-
This is NOT my day....
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Combine Training
It has been a long time since we had combine training between the only two schools in Singapore. Sensei made us do do training together amoung the seniors and the 40+ beginners. So it was back to basics, like how to hold our posture properly. That there are 3 points to note when holding Kamae.
1. Upper back must be in tension
2. Lower back must be in tension
3. Tan Tian must be in tension
As he said, Kamae is beautiful. Kendo is beautiful. You cant do beautiful kendo when you cannot even move about with a good kamae. Simply, the idea was to hold the back straight and kensen center, even when we are moving to and fro. But of course, the whole thing was quite chaotic la. haha. But it was fun to train with so many people.
However, during the Ji-geiko session, I was crap. I was fighting like a hopping bunny made of jello. wobbly, breathless, bouncing (happens whenever my legs cant take it anymore) and almost slide across the dojo but ended up crashed into the wall(Lucky me). To summarise it, i suck big time. Sigh. Just 3 months out of practice (and exercise in general) has reduced me to this..... Oh man... I need to finish my thesis soon. And start doing some exercise man! Need to get back into shape! Sucks!
It has been a long time since we had combine training between the only two schools in Singapore. Sensei made us do do training together amoung the seniors and the 40+ beginners. So it was back to basics, like how to hold our posture properly. That there are 3 points to note when holding Kamae.
1. Upper back must be in tension
2. Lower back must be in tension
3. Tan Tian must be in tension
As he said, Kamae is beautiful. Kendo is beautiful. You cant do beautiful kendo when you cannot even move about with a good kamae. Simply, the idea was to hold the back straight and kensen center, even when we are moving to and fro. But of course, the whole thing was quite chaotic la. haha. But it was fun to train with so many people.
However, during the Ji-geiko session, I was crap. I was fighting like a hopping bunny made of jello. wobbly, breathless, bouncing (happens whenever my legs cant take it anymore) and almost slide across the dojo but ended up crashed into the wall(Lucky me). To summarise it, i suck big time. Sigh. Just 3 months out of practice (and exercise in general) has reduced me to this..... Oh man... I need to finish my thesis soon. And start doing some exercise man! Need to get back into shape! Sucks!
Monday, December 06, 2004
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Its December ALREADY?!?!
Oh MAN!!! its December ALReADY?! holy CRAP! !@^%!#$@#$$!$% This is really bad. I have exactly one more month before school reopens.. and i need to complete my masters thesis by then or else i will need to pay for next semester's school fees with... erm... pots of gold from the end of the rainbow...? And wat? eat grass?!
>_< CRAP!!!
15 hrs a day, 7 days a week in the office is ready to drive me up the wall and down the other side anytime man! And the added stress of the deadline really doesnt help. I sneaked back for training last sunday. It was only a short 1 hour Gi-keiko after the grading session. But my arms were about to fall off the next morning. Maybe I'm old, or could be to lack of exercise for 3 months, or the fact that i didnt do old man warmups. But it really felt horrible. Training felt horrible. I was like a sitting duck screaming on top of my lungs or with a flashing neon sign seen in Vegas "HIt me! hit ME!" Oh Man!!! Hope things pick up soon... it cant get any lower then this.... now can it?
Oh MAN!!! its December ALReADY?! holy CRAP! !@^%!#$@#$$!$% This is really bad. I have exactly one more month before school reopens.. and i need to complete my masters thesis by then or else i will need to pay for next semester's school fees with... erm... pots of gold from the end of the rainbow...? And wat? eat grass?!
>_< CRAP!!!
15 hrs a day, 7 days a week in the office is ready to drive me up the wall and down the other side anytime man! And the added stress of the deadline really doesnt help. I sneaked back for training last sunday. It was only a short 1 hour Gi-keiko after the grading session. But my arms were about to fall off the next morning. Maybe I'm old, or could be to lack of exercise for 3 months, or the fact that i didnt do old man warmups. But it really felt horrible. Training felt horrible. I was like a sitting duck screaming on top of my lungs or with a flashing neon sign seen in Vegas "HIt me! hit ME!" Oh Man!!! Hope things pick up soon... it cant get any lower then this.... now can it?
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