Sunday, August 28, 2005

I was told...

I was told...

"I hear you complain about it all the time.
Why aren't you doing anything about it rather then just complain?"

And it is true.
Why DONT I do something about it.

There is enough of words and empty promises...
its time for action.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Got to get moving..

I really should start blogging more often.

Once again, i have proven to myself that my english SUCKS!
First it was the thesis. NOW, its the cover letters.
I have finally spotted a job i really wanna do... but when i try to write an impressive cover letter, it took THREE DAYS and FIVE Drafts!!!

Red Ink flying left right center across the page. >_<

...are the comments i recieved...

I just cant seem to express myself in words. I open my mouth.. and........ blank.... all my thoughts and little wheels in the head turning, but ..... blank.. i just cannot express what is in my mind into words.

My moral hit ROCK BOTTOM.
I really need to brush up my english. I need professional help :(

I also have to confess i have been doing nothing... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING these days... ROTTING my life away..
but NO MORE!
Starting Today! (Tomorrow, Sat), I will gather myself, and get my fat arse moving!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Sore throat lion cannot roar

Sore throat is bad for health... it usually starts with a sore throat.. then running nose followed by phelgm... and ultimately, COUGH!

Elk! feels horrible...
the sore throat started since last tuesday with overdoze of pork-floss in egg-rolls from thailand... finished half the box in one sitting... sore throat follows the very next day.

It was actually getting better till the sat's gathering at my place where my friends bought TONS of tit-bits.. and it REALLY doesnt help to have a tournament the very next day. My throat was so dry and painful, its like a million daggers cutting and stabbing in there whenever i swollow or speak...@_@

Till this day I am still suffering the aftermath.... the cough! the worse actually. but luckily its not too frequent.. but i definately have the sick sick feeling.. i hate being sick...

k la. thats all for now.. just decided to blog since i havent been blogging for some time. take care..

Sunday, August 07, 2005

One month of RT

Finally, after one month of RT, i finally got to take and passed my IPPT! Yay!
No more waking up at unearthly 6am-ish hours on sunday mornings!! YEs! More late sat night movies and suppers! Whoohoo!