I found a temp job. Its a contract job for 11wk... till Dec.
MONEY$$$$ hahaha
I was about to dig worms from the ground to norish myself.
I heard they are high on protein and low fats.
But i soon realise money isnt easy to earn.
Only ending my 2nd wk of work... have been put to shift work. Beginning at 1pm.. and ending at 10pm... or so i tot. For the first two days, i worked till 11pm, and manage to catch the last bus home. But from the third day, I started working till 2-3am.. and have to take a cab home (luckily i get to claim it). Waking up every morning at 10+... i have to leave home by 1130... i practically have NO LIFE! (on wkdays). Suddenly, from 7 days of absolute freedom... (without money tho.. so not so cool) it has shrunk to barely 2 days to do all my stuff...
i.e. continue looking for a job... sending resumes... Fixing my desktop (it just refuse to run any .exe... simply put it... i cannot run ANY programs! Anyone knows what might be wrong with it?) ........looking out for a phone (MY PHONE WAS STOLEN ON MY FIRST DAY OF WORK!!! DAMN IT! I wont up from a nap on the bus to find my phone GONE! my GD 88!!!!! sigh....)
Well... at least i get to save some money to endure me for my future employment.
And it seems.... (thank god)... that i will be having a very merry christmas after all..:)
its almost 3am.. and i am still at my desk in the office... how work changes ones life so fast.
Will update more when i have time....
THATS a good one! HAve... TIME?!!!!? >_< hahaha