Sunday, July 27, 2008

Chinese History teaches many lessons

Red Cliff

Integrity, Righteousness and Honour. Values long lost with the sands of time.
The difference between the Mediocre and Greatness, might just be whether or not you have the Courage...
And the Brave are "Simply those with the clearest vision of what is before them. Glory and Danger alike not withstanding, go out and meet it."

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Clumsy elbow meets butter finger.


My love for Basketball has not died...
It just took a very long nap.

A mean pair of AND1 Primetime sneakers.

At long last, my very first leather ball.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


The roads are long and hard,
and there will be many a times when we feel down.
We know we shouldnt...
...but sometimes, we just do.


They say a picture speaks a thousand words.
A sign... does the same.

Rainy monday

dark clouds...

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Knight is Dark indeed

Unlike most iconic hero movie which leaves those impressionables inspired to be a hero, this doesn't. It shows the many dark and difficult decisions he would have to make. I wont want to be him.

The joker...
likes to use a knife to end one's life. He feels that its slower, allowing the last few moments of a person's life to reveal their true self. Or rather, the ugly side of mankind.

But I feel everyone has a good and an ugly side. Which side we choose to live by, makes us who we really are. By focusing or trying to bring out that ugly side will not make the world a better place.

I might be able to see how the joker came to be. When a person is pushed beyond despair, they snap. As Hope and Dreams are crushed, Despair and Chaos emerges. Hope is what keeps us alive. Despair, Chaos and eventually Darkness, is easier, because it is surrender. And the need for him to show to others, that madness, chaos and darkness is mankind's true nature, is the need for justification.

This is not a movie about heros, it is about mankind.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who brought the house down?

Durian Party

Some flinch with terror,
Some salivate at the sight of it.
Its either love or hate,
there is no other.

Its a number game:
32 pieces of KFC chicken,
2 ultra large pizza,
and 3 tons of durian.
74 trillion calories to burn.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

From Pushing Daisies

Pushing Daisies
Beautifully worded:

"....though she was not yet ready to let go of the hope that her perfect guy's perfect happiness, might lie with her."

Ned:"We wake up everyday with a list of wishes a mile long. And maybe we spend our lives trying to make those wishes come true, but just because we want them doesn't mean we need them to be happy."

Chuck:"What do you need to be happy?"


Saturday, July 05, 2008


A present for me? And its not even christmas! Thanks Girlie ;)

Nothing like Chocolate to drive away the dark clouds :)

Cutie art

Just so happens that Marina Square centrestage has this Australia festival. Cute paintings for sale. Maybe be a nice center piece for your little ones?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I met an angel,
creamy white.
She threw me a cheeky smile and a wink,
and they cheered me up as bright as light.


Dont Panic, these arent Krispy Kreme.
But they are gooooood.
Diet? What diet?