Post 7th Asean Kendo Tournament blues....
Monday, 13 September 2004, 15:15am
Alrighty then! Months of training and late night dealing with tournament admin has finally come to and end (But not the training though). The day before we set off to KL I still had to stay in office to complete my progress report for my masters till 12midnight (right after my kendo training) followed by typing out my Shodan grading exam questions. Oh man, it too me till 3am in the morning to complete it. Didnt sleep the whole night cos was too busy donig last minute packing till 6am in the morning, only to start calling everony to make sure they have not overslept.
Ok! enough of complains. Generally the tournament was great! A fantastic experience to be remembered for life. And got to know friends from many neighbouring countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. Didnt get the chance to talk to anyone from thailand though.
However, our coach was disappointed about the competition. And he blames himself for our failure, which I think it is us who have failed him more then anything else. It was an emotional moment for all of us. Even the spectators were about to burst into tears. Although there is great disappointment, but we will not give up. We will train harder and be better the next time round.
Oh, I also went for my grading then, and successfully obtained my Shodan. Which is something like blackbelt in tae kwan do. Although I dont feel I am that good yet, but like many people say. When you get your shodan, it only means this is when you begin to try to fit urself into this shoe. To learn to be a shodan. To have the correct attitude to learn. To learn how to learn.
Yeah!!! i passed my shodan!!!
Although my masters has already been overdue, you dont really see my talking much about it hor? Haha, i am getting a lot of nagging from my parents already. Which is true la. Gotto buck up and get moving. Not young anymore, gotto graduate and get a job and earn some bacholar cash to have a swinging life! haha. Oh man! soooo... tired... need more sleep....
i remember in the earlier post in july, i mentioned i only got kendo and research, well, 2 months laters, its still the same. I've only got kendo AND research. Sigh..
Oh so sad, a friend of mine going to Japan to study for 10 months. Wait a minutes, whats so sad about that!? Its sooo exciting!!!! wish her luck and all the best! everyone seems to be going japan these days. sigh.