How i wish i could take a lazy afternoon nap like this cat i caught lazing under a tree near holland village...
Also watched Mama Mia on weds thanks to the free gala preimere ticket from Andy. Thanks man! Center front row seats on the 2nd level! Bestest! I am no ABBA fan, but it was really entertaining. Catchy music punctuated with comic relief. If you ARE an ABBA fan. Its a must watch. Overall review: Entertaining.
The only other musicals I have watched are Le' Mis and Ms Saigon. Le' Mis was GREAT! Watched it in Leicester Square London. Although they were more *cough cough* "economical" seats, peering at the stage from 4 floors up, it was still tear quenchingly moving. Next to catch is Phantom of the Opera! Damn! missed it when it last came Singapore.
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