Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When we are angry.

There is something important that I have been reminded of tonight. And I would hope to say it in a humble attempt of a poem:

When we are angry,
when words of anger flies like the wind,
we feel a moment's pleasure.
For this "brings justice to those who did us wrong", we think.

However we are sometimes blind to see,
For these blades and spears of anger,
which we feel will bring us "justice",
sadly but surely,
will only hurt those who care for us the most.


Such is the irony of life.

As such, to all those who have been hurt by the wrath of my blades of carelessness and my spears of ignorance...

I'm Sorry.


DQ said...

man of war - armed with blades and spears!

Adeline Woo said...

I hope i didn't hurt you with my blades and spears of spiteful words when i get pissed off!! = )