Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Love Letters

Last Saturday, I went to my friend's place to Bai4 Nien2. Basically just another hanging out session with lots of laugh and eat and playing of PS2, and of course, LOVE LETTERS! Those with chocolate twirls on the inside. Yummm.....

I got so addicted, i almost single handledly finish half the can >_<

But the addiction didnt stop there. Yesterday, during lunch, i went to the nearby supermarket and bought a tin of it for myself! And guess what, the addiction was spread to the rest of my lab. Within 2 hours (the time taken for me to leave my tin of love lettes UNPROTECTED) it was half empty!!! Gasp! But its good to share good things with friends :)

But things got too far. This morning, even the TIN was gone!


I didnt even get a chance to take a photo of the empty tin.....

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