Friday, November 26, 2004


Its been a long long time since i blog on this blog. I had another blog using my own webspace. but friends have been having problems trying to access that from overseas. So i am thinking of transfering my stuff back here... but thats like 1 yr of blog lor.. plus all those photos... which is actually the main problem.. hmm.. see first la.. keep a look out for this page :)

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Back from Japan!

Hello everyone. I AM BACK!

Actually i was back since last saturday morning. But just tooo tired to blog. And now I am back to slaving in my lab with my thesis. Good ol' no day no night days. Well, at least the rest of NUS is here to suffer with me. At least for these 2 weeks. Then they will get freedom!!!! and I will STILL be here doing my thesis. Stress!!! Another one of my friend has decided to accept a PhD offer. Stress!!!!! What about me?? My supervisor hinted to me to take my PhD, but..... NO THANKS!!!! not with this project anyway. So tired of this already. Wanna go out to the working world and see what horror it holds. Ahhaha.. ah.... damn sianz.. will blog more about my trip soon la. just so tired now. Sigh.zz.....