Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Shoppign Spree, THE SEQUAL

Ok... i didnt write about shopping spree 1. Lets start with Shopping Spree 2! which happened today.

519 bucks!

Poof! goes my wallet. or bank account.

2 blazers (they loook so gooood!!! The black is so stylish and cool looking... the Brown, is so classy, charming and cheeky! I just COULDNT decide!!! its like one of those death traps when your wife/gf asks you..... "If your mom and I fall into the water, who would you save first." DEATH TRAP!)

Ok... so I bought 2 blazers...S$200.... each.

2 shirts, 99 each. 99cents? I WISH! 99bucks Baby!!!!

and 1 expensive cargo pants! S$144!!!!

Total S$742....
But! Haha... i wont have bought them without a sale....
Frequent Buyer Discount. 30% off!! Yosha!!!

Final Damage: S$519

*eats bean sprout and plain rice....*

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Hisashiburi (its been awhile..)

How time flies. With a blink of an eye, another year has passed. Many things have changed over this year.. and yet sometimes it seems nothing has changed at all.

Has my search for a direction only begun, or am I lost, impatient and tired.

The sun will rise again tomorrow, just as sure as the sun will set, to rise again the next day. Life goes on.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time Flies...

What will you know..
It has already been say... half a year since my last post. How time flies.

Moving into a new job, with many different new challenges, struggles, frustrations, sadness and stress. At times they seem unbearable. However, as cliche as it sounds.. if it doesn't kill you, it indeed will make you stronger.

But as all things go.. there is a catch to it.

It must not kill you first.

Keep in touch.