Wednesday, June 18, 2008


All the makings of a good movie, but unfortunately it isnt.

Enjoyable nevertheless.

Upon failure and depression.
Strangers meet.
Fall in love.
Road Trip.
Lessons of life, failure, courage and greatness.

"Success, not greatness, was the only god the entire world served"

"Sadness is easier, because it is surrender."

Home Sweet Home.. and work

Home Sweet Home, and back to work

Scary Singaporeans being away

Shopping, Bargaining and drunken salesman.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Being Sick while Away

Oh great. Being sick while overseas is just so not economical. It drives down my efficiency per dollar spend on the trip by 1 day less....

Stomach Flu is the word.. any cures anyone can suggest?

Currently, I am sticking to strictly liquid diet, and charcoal pills. Plenty of rest, and cross my fingers to wish I recover tomorrow.

Wish List:
- Ginger ( for getting rid of the wind )
- Yakult ( for friendly germs to cure my tummy)
- Pocari Sweat ( for salt )

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Being Away

Being away really helps you to reflect and relook at your life. It allows you to stone to your heart's content. Listening to your favorate tunes while looking at the mountains, rivers and padi fields zoom by leaves you nothing better to do than to think. A rare activity I seldom have the luxury of, ever since I leaped into the rat-race.

It also allows you to experience new things and see different people and come up with totally irrelevant epiphanies while doing so... Heres one to share;

"With The Unknown, comes Hope."

Thus, Fear Not the unknown, but embrace it with enthusiasum.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


The time has finally come. Months of waiting for this very day. So long folks! Off to a land far far away...

Up up and away!!!