Monday, February 16, 2004

Oh MAN!!!!!
FINALLY!!!! complete my first draft! and submitted to my supervisor for approval already. There would most probably be ammendments, but its ok. At least the bulk of the work is done. The rest are just touching up and AWAY WE GO!!! But seriously, no joke. Really had a rude awakening from all this. Maybe I will take a week to relax before I start to prepare for my Thesis already. not much time left.

Also, did i ever mention I had this friend, whom i borrowed my bicycle 2 yrs ago, and who's bro lost my bick cos he didn't lock it up. So he promised to buy me a new bick. But its been 2 yrs, and i STILL havent told him which one i want. Dame. instead of him feeling bad about it, its become I who am feeling bad for letting him wait so long. Resolution. Must settle all this "debts" A.S.A.P.!

Meanwhile, RELAX!!! RELAX!!!.... will try to sleep early tonight, need to recover from all the late nights and stressful days so that i can resume my kendo trainings :) I have once again realised. I LOVE KENDO!

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