Sunday, March 02, 2008

To Learn

It is estimated that 161 Billion Gigabyte of digital information was generated last year alone. If translated to books, that’s 12 stacks reaching from Earth to the Sun. It is also 3 million times the information in ALL books ever written! Alright alright, they are nothing but bombastic numbers, and most of the information nothing more than rubbish blog like this one. But they are interesting facts nevertheless.

The point is simply, that our minds should not be used as data storage. If that were the case, you and I would have lost our jobs to $25 thumb-drives.

Our job is now to think. To think, to ask, to learn and to manage.

As the saying goes:

“He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.”

“The one real objective of education is to have a man in the condition of continually asking questions.”

The wisest use of our minds is not just to hold data, but learning how to work with the data, which requires the art of enquiry.

To do so, we must relearn how to ask questions. As with all arts, it is not an easy task to learn, and requires discipline and practice with a dose of humility.

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