Saturday, June 04, 2005

catching up

Phew! been catching up with friends lately... finally after the first draft of my thesis is done*..

Its really great to know that after all this mugging of thesis... lifeless weekends and seemingly endless road of life... i do have packets of friends to catch up with. Today, i met up with rovers friends whom i have not met up for almost a year!! Some started work... some still in school... but everyone has grown... have i?

Then at 11pm!! i met up with some friends whom just returned from their TIBET trip1!!! TIBET IS SOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! i wanna expend THousands of Giga-bytes of Compact Flash memory and magazines of barrels of film on the amazing scenery and lifestyle there... Sigh... how sad i missed the trip... but lucky that i decided to withdraw from it... i would never have been able to finished my thesis in time...

thesis thesis thesis.. its like my whole life for the pass 1 year have been revolving around it......note i mentioned 1 yr.. ahhaa.. cos the first year of my masters... i have been busy mastering icq and msn messenger... my second year i was busy mastering the skill of kendo admin.. hahaha... and finally... the third.. my thesis... is THAT great time management or WHAT?! :P HA!

K la... tomolo going back to lab to continue the endless struggle of me against engrish! -_- elk...

*Note: actually it is not done yet... just kanna thrown back at me to check through my english before my sup reads it cos he has recently been traumatized by some students horrendous powderful engrish! >_< so i am rushing like mad to rephrase much of the sentenses and paragraphs that i wrote when i was either half-awake or brain dead while rushing for my thesis....-_-

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