Sunday, June 12, 2005


Meanwhile... finally... my first draft was submitted to my sup and now waiting for him to look through it while he is in china. He should be back next tues and will return me the thesis correction. THen.... i will get busy again doing the amendments AND do his 2 journal articles for him.. grumble grumble...

Job hunting job hunting.... something i should be doing now.. but not doing ...:P
Although i have a generic resume worked out... but have not sent any out yet.. should do so soon la hor? :P ahhaa but i have been toying with the idea of going into the finance or banking industry lately. Well... one things for sure.. it is never a sunset industry... unlike technological industry where theres always rise and falls... who are NOT deal with money. Dealing with money is alway needed! :) and whats more.. i love MONEY!!! :) Muahahah.. well.. marketing sounds interesting too... although i also show interest in event organization, but just not sure how good the prospects are of this line of work in Singapore. And of course... Engineering... what else.. it would be NICE if i could put my masters degree to good use.. (like getting myself higher income). But.... after doing this for the last 3 yrs... i am all the more sure that.... INTEREST... is more important than anything else.

Sooo... anyone out there with lobangs... pls let me know ya! after living on my own savings for a yr.. and eating grass everyday... i LOOOOONG for sashimi, unagi, cha soba... escargo, steaks and other fine dining. Not to mention SHOPPING!!! oh man!!! Great Singapore sale is on... i got all the time in the world.. but no $$$..... anyone need me to shop FOR them? haha.. just gimme a ring man! i will be more then happy to be of service..;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ちよちゃんは 買いたい。

MP3 Playerや 靴や 服や 欲しいですね。。

ただきちさんは 買物を いしょうに 行きませんか。^_^