Friday, July 08, 2005

8th july, not my day...

What was planned to be a short 2 hour trip to my sis up north to print out the color pages of my thesis turned out to be an elaborate 8 hours wild goose chase with printer carrying, wires entangling and sun bathing..... ok.. there wasnt any sunbathing.. elk!!

-Set off from home to sis place
-reach 50 minutes later hot and sweaty
-cools down and HEATS up when found out PC uses ancient dinosaurs windows 98 which doesnt support thumb drives.
-drove sis car to friend's house to burn 17MB of thesis into CD
-chat :P (ok, my fault)
-drove back and tested printing
-pages printed are shrunk
-realised ancient PC with dinosaurs OS also has antique office!!! office 98!!! i typed my thesis on office 2000!!!!!! arg!!!
-DROVE the printer home to print using my laptop
-finally prints smoothly
-took a breather...
-realise out of ink..
-looks at clock... 630pm...-_-"
-admits defeat
-drives to sis place to return printer
-dinner... or was that lunch... = 2 slice of bread

2 years of experiments
1 year of thesis writing
4 weeks of drafting
8 hours of printing
1 empty ink cartridge

the look on my face...>_<



Java Kueen said...

wahahaha. dude, you could have pop by my place and use our fancy spanzy printer with 5 laptops/computers with every damn platfor for you to choose from. Everything would have been ready and pretty in 10 minutes. heeee...

Anonymous said...

Arrg!!! u do!? >_< didnt know mah.. it was really a horrible experience man. sigh..

Anonymous said...

Orh poor baby!!!! *mewowo*