Monday, January 17, 2005

Monday Pain

Was sooooooo tired today. Luckily the headaches gone. But i only managed to climb out of bed at noon. Maybe its the too many late nights or the over-exertion for my first training yesterday in months, or the lack of exercise, or all of the above. But i feel sooo crappy today. Body aching all over, well, basically not feeling very well la. Arg....

Think i can finally finish redo-ing the last few of my experiments that was left undone yesterday.

Looking at a kino card calender while waiting for the bus to come to my office, i realised that i only have 3 more weeks (including this wk) before the lunar new year. I MUST get my thesis done by then. MUST MUST MUST! My life seem to have only been going downhill ever since i graduated. Maybe finally leaving school and finding a job will help me find more purpose in my life. Maybe not. But anything is better then being stuck here to pay to work for them! >_< Elk!

the breeze that sends ripples across still water, sways the trees, and rustle the leaves feels ever so carefree and comforting.


pretty graffitti said...

not maybe.. must be.....

pretty graffitti said...

not maybe.. must be.....

Lionzmane said...

Ai yoh!!! u watch too much pride liao la.... -_-"

pretty graffitti said...

My life has jux hit the bottom rock.. i tink i m drowning....