Thursday, December 09, 2004

Combine Training

It has been a long time since we had combine training between the only two schools in Singapore. Sensei made us do do training together amoung the seniors and the 40+ beginners. So it was back to basics, like how to hold our posture properly. That there are 3 points to note when holding Kamae.

1. Upper back must be in tension
2. Lower back must be in tension
3. Tan Tian must be in tension

As he said, Kamae is beautiful. Kendo is beautiful. You cant do beautiful kendo when you cannot even move about with a good kamae. Simply, the idea was to hold the back straight and kensen center, even when we are moving to and fro. But of course, the whole thing was quite chaotic la. haha. But it was fun to train with so many people.

However, during the Ji-geiko session, I was crap. I was fighting like a hopping bunny made of jello. wobbly, breathless, bouncing (happens whenever my legs cant take it anymore) and almost slide across the dojo but ended up crashed into the wall(Lucky me). To summarise it, i suck big time. Sigh. Just 3 months out of practice (and exercise in general) has reduced me to this..... Oh man... I need to finish my thesis soon. And start doing some exercise man! Need to get back into shape! Sucks!

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